To provide specific details about CASPIAN PROTECTOR LIMITED, I would need real-time access to corporate databases or recent records, which I don't have. However, I can guide you on how to find information about any company registered in the UK.
Companies House: The UK government maintains a database of all registered businesses. You can search for the company using the Companies House website ( You'll find information like:
- Company registration number
- Date of incorporation
- Registered office address
- Current and former directors
- Financial statements
- Annual returns and other filings
Company Website: If CASPIAN PROTECTOR LIMITED has an official website, it would provide detailed information about their services, mission, values, and contact information.
Industry Reports or Business Directories: Services like Dun & Bradstreet, Bloomberg, or local business directories might have profiles and detailed reports on the company.
News Articles and Press Releases: Sometimes, searching for the company in news databases or using a search engine can yield recent articles and press releases that provide context about the business activities and any significant events.
Social Media and Professional Networks: LinkedIn and other professional networks might have profiles of the company, key personnel, and their professional activities, which can provide additional insight.
You can use the above resources to gather comprehensive information about CASPIAN PROTECTOR LIMITED. If you have any specific questions about what you’re looking for, feel free to ask!
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