Camanchaca Pesca Sur SA
- Ship Managers
- Ship Owners
Camanchaca Pesca Sur SA is likely to be an entity in the fishing industry, given the context provided by its name. However, as of my last update in October 2021, specific details about this company are not readily available in public databases or common industry resources. It's possible that Camanchaca Pesca Sur SA could be a subsidiary or related entity of a larger company, such as Camanchaca SA, which is a well-known Chilean company involved in fishing and seafood processing.
Camanchaca SA operates in various segments of the seafood industry, including the harvesting and processing of fish like salmon, mackerel, and anchovy, as well as shellfish such as mussels. The company has a strong presence in both local and international markets, providing a range of seafood products. They focus on sustainability and environmental responsibility, adhering to international standards and certifications for seafood sustainability.
Since this answer might not be fully accurate or updated, I recommend consulting the latest company reports, industry publications, or credible online databases for the most current and detailed information.
Fishing | Flag: Chile | Port: VALPARAISO
Fishing | Flag: Chile | Port: VALPARAISO
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