CABO HELLAS LIMITED appears to be less well-known or lacks widespread recognition, as it isn't among the commonly referenced companies in public databases or media. The name suggests it might be associated with Greece ("Hellas" being the historical name for Greece) or it could be a regional or smaller entity.
To get specific and accurate details about CABO HELLAS LIMITED, you might consider the following steps:
Official Business Registry: Check the company registry or business databases of the country where it is based. For Greece, this might be the General Commercial Registry (GEMI).
Company Website: If the company has an official website, this can provide detailed information about their operations, services, history, and contact details.
Local Business Directories: Company directories or industry associations within Greece or the region it operates might have listings and details.
Contact Directly: Reaching out directly to the company through any contact information available might be the best way to obtain specific information.
Public Records and Databases: Look up the company in international business information databases like Bloomberg, Dun & Bradstreet, or others.
If you have more specific information or context about the industry or services CABO HELLAS LIMITED operates within, it might be easier to narrow down details.
Oil Carrier | Flag: Republic of Marshall Islands | Port: MAJURO