BUCKFIELD LEISURE LIMITED is a private limited company based in the United Kingdom. The company was incorporated on 16 December 1997 with the company registration number SC181397, under the jurisdiction of Scotland.
Here are some key details about BUCKFIELD LEISURE LIMITED:
- Nature of Business (SIC): The company is categorized under the SIC code 92000, which pertains to gambling and betting activities.
- Company Status: As of the latest available information, BUCKFIELD LEISURE LIMITED is active and filing annual returns.
- Registered Office: The registered office address is located at 39 St. Vincent Place, Glasgow, G1 2ER, United Kingdom.
For more specific information regarding their financial performance, operational specifics, or ownership structure, you would typically need access to public financial records or business databases like Companies House in the UK.
Remember that company details may change, so it is always a good idea to refer to the latest records for the most up-to-date information.
Yacht | Flag: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Port: LONDON