Bertucci Industrial Services/Contracting Corp.
There doesn't appear to be widely available public information on a company specifically named Bertucci Industrial Services/Contracting Corp. It is possible that it is a smaller or privately held company that does not have a significant online presence or widespread media coverage. If you have specific details or context about the company (such as the industry it is in, its geographical location, or other identifying information), it would help narrow down the search.
However, if you meant Bertucci Construction Services, LLC, or another similarly named entity within an industry like construction, industrial services, or contracting, it might be worth noting that:
- Bertucci Construction Services, LLC:
- Primarily involved in heavy civil and marine construction.
- Known for projects such as levee construction, coastal restoration, and dredging.
- Headquartered in the United States and often works on projects for government agencies and large private clients.
For accurate and thorough information, consider checking business directories, industry databases, or reaching out directly to the company if contact details are available. If the company is involved in public contracts or projects, you might also find relevant records or mentions in government or municipal documentation.
- 504-828-5569/Cell 504-329-7009
- 504-835-8448
Jefferson USA
Jefferson LA 70181
Offshore Support Vessel | Flag: Republic of Singapore | Port: SINGAPORE
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