Baltic SF VII Limited is a company registered in the United Kingdom. Established on the 15th of December, 2006, its registration number is 06029306. The company is domiciled in England, with its registered address listed as 3rd Floor 1 Ashley Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, United Kingdom, WA14 2DT.
As a private limited company, its status remains active. Baltic SF VII Limited is categorized under the business activity of "Financial leasing" (SIC code: 64910), indicating its involvement in leasing arrangements typically related to financial products or services.
The firm's status and financial dealings might be subject to public record disclosure available through the UK Companies House or similar regulatory bodies. It is advisable to consult the latest records or financial statements for current and more detailed information about the company's operations and standing.
Ferry | Flag: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | Port: Belfast
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