6875904 CANADA INC
6875904 CANADA INC. is a Canadian corporation that was incorporated on November 19, 2007. As with many numbered companies in Canada, the name "6875904 CANADA INC." does not provide specific information about the company's nature or its business activities. Numbered companies are often used as holding companies, for real estate transactions, or for other purposes where a specific trade name is not required.
To obtain detailed information about 6875904 CANADA INC., such as its business activities, directors, financial status, and the address, you would need to consult public records available through Corporations Canada (a part of the government of Canada) or visit a professional service that provides corporate searches. You can access Corporations Canada’s online database to look up more specific details about the company using the corporation number.
Please let me know if there is anything specific you would like to know or any other way I can assist you!
Yacht | Flag: Republic of Marshall Islands | Port: JALUIT