4D Security Solutions, Inc.

4D Security Solutions, Inc. is a company that specializes in providing advanced security solutions, primarily focusing on the integration of various technologies to enhance security and safety. Founded in 2005 and headquartered in South Plainfield, New Jersey, the firm has developed expertise in a range of areas including surveillance, perimeter protection, intrusion detection, and command-and-control systems.

Key Offerings and Technologies:

  1. Surveillance Systems: 4D Security Solutions offers advanced surveillance systems that incorporate high-definition cameras, thermal imaging, and night vision capabilities. These systems are designed to provide comprehensive coverage and real-time monitoring.

  2. Perimeter Protection: The company provides perimeter security solutions such as smart fences, ground sensors, and radar systems. These technologies are designed to detect and deter unauthorized access or intrusion attempts.

  3. Intrusion Detection: They offer sophisticated intrusion detection systems that can identify potential threats rapidly. This includes a mix of hardware like sensors and software like analytics programs to differentiate between benign and malicious activities.

  4. Command-and-Control Centers: 4D Security Solutions designs and implements command-and-control centers that allow for centralized monitoring and management of various security components. These centers integrate data from multiple sources and provide a unified platform for decision-makers.

  5. Integration Services: The company excels in integrating disparate security technologies into a cohesive system that offers seamless operation and enhanced situational awareness.

Sectors Served:

4D Security Solutions serves a broad range of sectors including:

  • Government: Including federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
  • Critical Infrastructure: Such as airports, seaports, and utility companies.
  • Commercial: Covering sectors like retail, manufacturing, and corporate campuses.
  • Military: Offering specialized solutions for base protection and troop safety.

Global Reach:

The company has implemented security solutions not only within the United States but also internationally, serving a diverse set of clients with unique security needs.

Innovation and R&D:

4D Security Solutions invests heavily in research and development to stay at the forefront of security technology. The company often collaborates with other technology firms and academic institutions to develop cutting-edge solutions.

Notable Projects:

While specific projects are often confidential, the firm is known for undertaking large-scale and high-security implementations, which often feature a high level of customization and technological innovation.


4D Security Solutions is generally well-regarded in the industry for its comprehensive approach to security and its ability to deliver complex, integrated security systems. The company is known for its reliability, technical expertise, and customer-centric solutions.

Challenges and Opportunities:

  • Challenges: Like any technology-driven firm, 4D Security Solutions faces challenges such as rapid technological changes, cybersecurity threats, and the need for continual innovation.
  • Opportunities: As global security concerns continue to grow, the demand for advanced security solutions provides ample opportunities for the company's expansion and growth.

By focusing on state-of-the-art technology and integrated solutions, 4D Security Solutions, Inc. aims to enhance safety and security across various sectors, meeting the evolving needs of their clients worldwide.


Ground surveillance radars, VMD, NMD, fence sensors, crisis management S/W, command & control S/W, sensor fusion engine S/W and installation, support and training.

New York USA

60 Columbus Circle, 18th Floor
New York NY 10023

Maritime News

Italian Navy Orders Five Minehunter Vessels for $2.82 Billion

Italian Navy Orders Five Minehunter Vessels for $2.82 Billion

11 hours ago
Defense group Leonardo and Immsi's naval unit Intermarine have signed a contract worth up to 2.6 billion euros ($2.82 billion) to supply Italy's navy with five coastal minehunter ships, the companies said on Friday.The contract, which also includes logistics support, is worth 1.6 billion euros for the vessels and 1 billion euros in various other options.Immsi's share price jumped more than 16% and Leonardo was up 2.3% after the deal was announced.Intermarine will produce the 63 meter vessels in its shipyards in Sarzana and will have a 73% share of the contract, with the remaining 27% for Leonardo, the statement said.
Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes

Oil Spill Threatens Philippines Capital After Tanker Capsizes

A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing the death of a crew member and an oil spill that could spread to waters off the capital Manila, officials said.Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said, after the ship capsized off the coastal town of Limay in Bataan province.The coastguard said they found the body of a previously missing crew member in the sea off Limay town in Bataan province, less than three hours' drive from the capital Manila, on Thursday afternoon."There is already oil spill.
CMA CGM Sees Shipping Demand Holding Up After Restocking Wave

CMA CGM Sees Shipping Demand Holding Up After Restocking Wave

Shipping giant CMA CGM said on Thursday that brisk international trade and Red Sea disruption supported its main maritime division in the second quarter and should limit any market slowdown later this year as new ship capacity arrives.The world's third-largest container shipping line reported a 6.8% year-on-year increase in volumes in the second quarter. Volumes also rose more than 6% from the first three months of the year when the group started seeing an upturn in demand.Restocking by U.S. firms continued in the April-June quarter, partly due to concerns that geopolitical tension with China may disrupt trade, as well as the risk of strike action by U.S.
Iran Releases Oil Carried by Tanker St Nikolas

Iran Releases Oil Carried by Tanker St Nikolas

Iran has released the oil cargo of a Greek-owned, Marshall-Islands-flagged tanker it seized in the Gulf of Oman earlier this year, a shipping source told Reuters on Thursday.The vessel, M/T St. Nikolas, is still being held by Iran, the source added. It was laden with 1 million barrels of Iraqi crude oil destined for Turkey when it was seized."The cargo was released earlier this week after negotiations," the source said.Turkish refiner Tupras said in a statement that the St. Nikolas had been holding around 1 million barrels of crude oil that it had purchased from the Iraqi state oil company SOMO.
Tanker Capsizes Off Philippines

Tanker Capsizes Off Philippines

2 days ago
A marine tanker carrying industrial fuel sank in rough seas off the Philippines on Thursday, causing a large oil spill as coast guard rescuers search for a missing crew member, officials said.Sixteen of the 17 crew members of MT Terra Nova have been rescued, Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista said, after the ship capsized off the coastal town of Limay in Bataan province. A search is underway for the missing sailor."There is already oil spill. Right now, we cannot dispatch our resources because of strong winds and high waves," Transportation Secretary Jaime Bautista told a situation briefing.The ship was carrying 1,494 metric tonnes of industrial fuel, Bautista said.