Cemex Internacional S.A. de C.V.

  • Ship Managers

Cemex Internacional S.A. de C.V. is a subsidiary or business segment of Cemex S.A.B. de C.V., a global building materials company headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico. Here’s an overview of the parent company Cemex:

Overview of Cemex S.A.B. de C.V.

  1. History and Growth:

    • Founded: The company was founded in 1906 and has grown to become one of the world's largest cement producers.
    • Expansion: Over the years, Cemex has undertaken significant international expansions through acquisitions and mergers, solidifying its presence across the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
  2. Products and Services:

    • Cement: Cemex produces and distributes various types of cement tailored for multiple construction needs.
    • Ready-Mix Concrete: They offer readymix concrete, leveraging their extensive network of plants to serve diverse projects.
    • Aggregates: The company mines and processes rock products used in construction.
    • Related Products: Cemex also offers other build materials like mortar and admixtures.
  3. Operations:

    • Global Reach: Cemex operates in over 50 countries and maintains trade relationships with more than 100 nations.
    • Production Capacity: They manage an extensive network of production facilities, including cement plants, grinding mills, ready-mix concrete plants, and quarries.
  4. Sustainability:

    • Environmental Impact: Cemex is committed to reducing its carbon footprint by adopting innovative technologies and sustainable practices in production.
    • Community Involvement: They engage in various community development and social responsibility programs.
  5. Financial Performance:

    • Revenue: Cemex has reported significant revenues, reflective of its extensive international operations and diverse product portfolio.
    • Market Position: The company is listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange and trades as an American Depositary Receipt on the New York Stock Exchange.
  6. Key Initiatives:

    • Digital Transformation: Cemex has been leveraging digital technologies to improve efficiency, customer experience, and operational performance.
    • R&D: They invest in research and development to create innovative building solutions and sustainable construction practices.

Cemex Internacional S.A. de C.V.

While specific detailed information about Cemex Internacional S.A. de C.V. might not be as widely publicized as its parent company, it operates under the same ethos and strategic umbrellas that guide Cemex's overall business objectives. This division likely focuses on managing and expanding Cemex's international operations, optimizing cross-border synergies, ensuring compliance with global regulations, and addressing regional market demands.

Strategic Importance:

  • International Expansion: Cemex Internacional is pivotal in driving Cemex's strategy of expanding and maintaining a robust global footprint.
  • Market Penetration: It helps Cemex integrate new acquisitions and penetrate different markets more effectively.
  • Operational Excellence: Ensures that processes and operations are standardized and streamlined across various geographical locations.


Cemex Internacional S.A. de C.V. plays a crucial role within the larger Cemex organization, leveraging global resources and capabilities to strengthen its market position and deliver value through innovation and sustainability.

Monterrey Mexico

444 Constitución
Monterrey NL 64988



Cement Carrier | Flag: Mexico


General Cargo Carrier | Flag: Mexico | Port: TAMPICO

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Italian Navy Orders Five Minehunter Vessels for $2.82 Billion

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